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The Role of Ultrafine Talc Powder in Improving the Grade and Properties of Plastic Flat Wire Products

Effect of Ultrafine Talc Powder in the Improvement of the Level and Function of Plastic Flat Wire Products Talc Powder Uses: Liaoning Talc Powder is used as anti-sticking agent and filler for polypropylene, nylon, polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene, polystyrene and polyester plastics and rubber products.

Powder is involved in many occupations and fields. It can be said that powder skill is one of the basic skills to support high and new skills.

The so-called powder skills include two aspects, one is the planning and manufacturing skills of powder particles, and the other is the processing skills of powder, that is, how to add powder to other substances and exert its common effect.

The addition of superfine talc powder masterbatch to plastics can significantly improve the rigidity and creep resistance, hardness and surface scratch resistance, heat resistance and thermal deformation temperature of plastics products, and the impact strength of plastics products can also be improved by relatively fine talc powder.

It also has smooth effect, can promote the effect of flow and improve the processing technology of plastics.
