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The function of talc powder in chemical fertilizer anti-caking agent

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The function of talc powder in chemical fertilizer anti-caking agent

Date of release:2018-09-05 Author: Click:

The mechanism of fertilizer caking: The caking of compound fertilizer and compound fertilizer is the process of fertilizer from loose state to lump or lump. There are three main reasons for the agglomeration of compound fertilizer caused by talc powder in Liaoning Province: one is crystal bridge, i.e. the precipitation of fertilizer salt from saturated solution, which forms a crystal bridge between product particles, and the agglomeration is caused by the cohesion between Crystal Bridge and fertilizer particles; the other is capillary adhesion, i.e., the product undergoes certain elastic deformation under kneading and stacking pressure, which results in a certain touch surface comparison between crystals. Large cohesion causes capillary movement of water and solution, promotes agglomeration of many grains with large area of adhesion, and leads to agglomeration. Third, agglomeration is caused by the joint effect of the two.

Liaoning Talc Powder Company

The mechanism of fertilizer caking: The caking of compound fertilizer and compound fertilizer is the process of fertilizer from loose state to lump or lump. There are three main reasons for the agglomeration of compound fertilizer caused by talc powder in Liaoning Province: one is crystal bridge, i.e. the precipitation of fertilizer salt from saturated solution, which forms a crystal bridge between product particles, and the agglomeration is caused by the cohesion between Crystal Bridge and fertilizer particles; the other is capillary adhesion, i.e., the product undergoes certain elastic deformation under kneading and stacking pressure, which results in a certain touch surface comparison between crystals. Large cohesion causes capillary movement of water and solution, promotes agglomeration of many grains with large area of adhesion, and leads to agglomeration. Third, agglomeration is caused by the joint effect of the two.

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