Haicheng talc powder

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  • Taxonomy:琼中黎族苗族自治县Chlorite (powder)

  • Click times:
  • Date of release:2019/01/15
  • Specifications:
  • Type:
  • inquiry
  • introduce

Chlorite is a group of layered silicate minerals. The chlorite commonly referred to by talc powder manufacturers refers to the minerals mainly Mg and Fe, namely clinochlore, oolitic chlorite and so on. It is a rock-forming mineral of some metamorphic rocks. Magnesium ores in igneous rocks, such as biotite, amphibole and pyroxene, are liable to form chlorite under the action of low-temperature hot water. Its color varies with the iron content. Glass gloss to no gloss, cleavage surface can be Pearl gloss. It is mainly the product of mesothermal and cryogenic hydrothermal processes, shallow metamorphism and sedimentation.

The address of this article:http://en.lntalc.com/product/600.html

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